When we think about having counselling it can bring about nerves and anxiety.  I worried that I would blurt out too much too fast and  that I might leave me feeling unsafe - what I learned was a good counsellor will help with feeling safe emotionally before the end of a session, and would not rush the process - they can also handle it if it all gets blurted out at once - this is ok too.

Below are some answers to the most common questions, any other questions please don't hesitate to click below to make an enquiry or book a call with me - with no obligation to book a session. 

What can I expect during the 20 minute call?

During the call, you can ask me any questions you may have, and I will likely ask you what you would like to get out of having counselling, what brought you to this call, and if you have had counselling before. It's a good way of getting a feel for each other, for you to decide if you want to work with me and for me to let you know if I am a good option for your needs. I won't ask you at the end if you want to book - you can volunteer that or choose to email or message after our call. 

Is counselling confidential?

I will keep what you tell me and what we discuss totally confidential, unless:

  • you disclose to me, or I have genuine concerns, that you have plans to seriously harm yourself - I will always seek to speak with you about this in the session and to come up with the best next steps together
  • If you are at risk from someone else, or if others are at risk, my Duty of Care may require steps to be taken to minimise any danger. Where possible, and appropriate, a proposed course of action with usually be discussed with you first
  • you ask me to break confidentiality because you consider that to be in your best interest
  • Statutory law obligates me to inform the relevant authorities of terrorist activities or radicalisation, human or drug trafficking, or abuse of a child or vulnerable adult

How long is a session?

Sessions are usually 50 minutes long. However, I am flexible on this. I am open to creating bespoke sessions to suit your needs, if I have the space to do so. Please feel free to reach out with your needs so that I can see if I can accomodate. 

Do they have to be every week?

Sessions are usually weekly or fortnightly but there might be situations where you need sessions less regularly or just a one off, stand alone session - This can be discussed as needed.

What is Integrative Counselling?

For those wondering what integrative counselling is - it's a few different modalities, created by different people. The one  underpinning all of them is Person Centred Counselling. This means that the client takes the lead within their session, because they know where they need to go.  They bring exactly what they need to bring, at their own pace. What their counsellor provides is open, accepting positivity towards all that you bring, a feeling that your counsellor can handle what you bring, and a feeling of warmth and empathy. 

The other modalities that may be used are Transactional Analysis, Gestalt and Attachment Theory. All of these contain different ways of looking at the human experience. They all have different techniques, or angles from which to view what is happening for a client at any given time. 

How much do you charge?

Sessions are priced at £45 for a 50-minute session. I offer reduced rates for advanced block bookings and for individuals with a low income. If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding pricing, please use the link to contact me, and I'll do my best to accommodate your needs.


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